
About my brand.

I’m proud to have created a soul-led digital empire that touches people’s hearts.

Through my stories, amazing online training programs, a results-based Digital Nomads School, and an audience in over 22 countries, I help people like you dream big, travel the world, and take meaningful action to create the life that they love.


The challenge

What was the biggest obstacle in my career.

I doubted myself many times. When I first started traveling full time and working with the richest people in the world, I felt like a fraud. I was very afraid all the time of not being good enough or accepted as I am.

And I took a year off to stay with myself and address these hard questions about who I really am, what I want from life, and who I want to become.

And one day I woke up with deep appreciation in my heart and I’ve decided to surrender my fight. To start having faith in myself and doing again the things I love most, no matter what.

The solution

What do I like most about what I do.

I LOVE my students. I love seeing them happy, fulfilled, successful. I love teaching them how to let go of old beliefs and creating the life of their dreams. I am blessed with amazing people in my life and I can’t talk enough about their A-HA moments.

I love traveling around the world slowly, living in different countries, and writing about these adventures.

I love the most to bring light into people’s lives. And to keep that light on until they have the courage to see themselves in the mirror as they are: powerful, beautiful, and worthy of… well, anything their heart desires.


The results

What I would like people to remember most about me.

I want them to remember how I made them feel: powerful, courageous, beautiful, magical, strong, appreciated, loved, worthy of the best things in life, capable to turn their dreams into reality.

If my phone could ring right now with my dream opportunity?

Someone from Shonda’s team - asking me to write a script for a Netflix short series about a girl who wanders around the world, saying exactly what she thinks, doing only what she wants, going through the most amazing adventures, and creating waves of kindness and magic around her.

Brands & Press

Relationships are everything, these are some that I’m very proud of.


Links – interviews and articles:

Our amazing journey around the world – Bored Panda
Interviews with: Nataly Osmann #FollowMeToJason SilvaNeil Patel.

Our work was featured in:


Numbers & demographics:

Page views/ month – 2.7M
Unique Readers/ month: 149K
* 45% men & 55% women (+30 years old)
* higher education (MBA, Universities)
* entrepreneurs (40%), small business owners (30%), employees, freelancers.
* Countries: Romania, USA, Germany, Italy, UK, France, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil.

What we do now:

Make art: original materials & campaigns (text, photo), great content, backlinks, advertorials, stories.

Travel around the world and inspire our community.

Work with amazing brands around the world, creating content for their sites and social media.

Inspire people to accomplish their dreams. We have the only Digital Nomads School in Romania.